
10 essential commands every dog should know

by ChenZidong on Mar 25, 2023

10 essential commands every dog should know
Dogs are known for their loyalty and obedience, but it takes time and effort to teach them the essential commands. Proper training can make a significant difference in your dog's behavior and can help to establish a strong bond between you and your furry friend. In this blog, we will discuss the 10 essential commands every dog should know.

Teaching your dog to sit is one of the most basic and essential commands. It is a great way to calm your dog down and to get their attention. Start by holding a treat in front of your dog's nose, then move your hand upwards, so your dog's head moves up and their bottom goes down. Once your dog is in a sitting position, give them the treat and praise them.

The 'stay' command is another essential command that can keep your dog safe in various situations. Start by asking your dog to sit, then hold your hand up with your palm facing outwards and say 'stay.' Take a step back and if your dog stays in place, praise them and give them a treat. Gradually increase the distance and duration of the stay command.

Teaching your dog to come when called is an important command, especially in emergencies. Start by saying your dog's name followed by the command 'come' and use a treat to encourage them to come to you. Praise and reward your dog every time they come to you.

The 'heel' command teaches your dog to walk beside you without pulling on the leash. Start by standing still with your dog beside you and say 'heel' while taking a step forward. If your dog follows, praise them and offer a treat. Repeat this process and gradually increase your speed.

Leave it
The 'leave it' command can keep your dog safe from potential hazards such as poisonous foods or dangerous objects. Start by placing a treat on the ground and say 'leave it.' If your dog does not try to grab the treat, praise them and offer a different treat. Repeat the process, gradually increasing the value of the treat.

Drop it
The 'drop it' command is important when your dog picks up something they should not have. Start by offering your dog a toy, then say 'drop it' and hold a treat in front of them. When they drop the toy, praise them and offer the treat.

Teaching your dog to stand is helpful during grooming or veterinary exams. Start by holding a treat in front of your dog's nose and move it upwards, so your dog stands on their hind legs. Once your dog is standing, give them the treat and praise them.

The 'wait' command is similar to the 'stay' command, but it teaches your dog to wait for a short period. Start by asking your dog to sit or lie down, then say 'wait' and take a step back. If your dog waits for a few seconds, praise them and give them a treat.

Teaching your dog to lie down is another essential command. Start by asking your dog to sit, then hold a treat in front of them and slowly move it towards the ground. Once your dog is lying down, give them the treat and praise them.

The 'off' command teaches your dog not to jump on people or furniture. Start by saying 'off' and gently pushing your dog off the furniture or person. Once your dog is off, praise them and offer a treat.

In conclusion, teaching your dog these essential commands will help you establish a strong bond with your furry friend and keep them safe in various situations. Remember to be patient and consistent with your training, and always use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior.